Lower Division Courses
10. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (4)
Offered every Fall and Spring quarter. Todd, Fangue
Lecture--3 hours; discussion--1 hour. Introduction to the ecology and conservation of vertebrates. Complexity and severity of world problems in conserving biological diversity. GE credit: SciEng, Div, Wrt | SE, SL, WE.
50. Natural History of California’s Wild Vertebrates (3)
Offered every Winter quarter. Furrow, Provost
Lecture--2hrs; discussion--1 hr. Examination of the natural history of California's wild vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals), including their biogeography, systematics, ecology and conservation status. GE credit: SciEng, Wrt | SE, SL, WE.
92. Internship (1-6)
I, II, III. The Staff (Department Chairperson in charge)
Internship--3-18 hours. Prerequisite:lower division standing and consent of instructor. Work experience off and on campus in all subject areas offered in the department. Internships supervised by a member of the faculty. (P/NP grading only.)
Upper Division Courses
100. Field Methods in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology (4)
Offered every Spring quarter. Smith
Lecture - 2 hour(s), Lab - 3 hour(s). Prerequisites: EVE 101 or ESP 100; Or the equivalent of ESP 100 or EVE 101. Introduction to field methods for research on the ecology and conservation of vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants, and to the scientific method, experimental design, and data preparation. Optional field trips.
101. Field Research in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology (2)
Offered Fall quarter in even numbered years. Todd, Van Vuren, Lusardi
Lecture/Discussion--2 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. One upper division course in each of ecology, statistics, and either ornithology, mammalogy, or herpetology. Field research in ecology of wild vertebrates in terrestrial environments; formulation of testable hypotheses, study design, introduction to research methodology, oral and written presentation of results. Limited enrollment. GE Credit: Wrt.
101L. Field Research in Wildlife Ecology: Laboratory (4)
Offered Fall quarter in even numbered years. Todd, Van Vuren, Lusardi
Lecture/Discussion--2 hours, fieldwork--15 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. One upper division course in each of ecology, statistics, and either ornithology, mammalogy, or herpetology. Field research in ecology of wild vertebrates in terrestrial environments; testing ecological hypotheses through field research, application of research methodology, supervised independent research projects. Held between Labor Day and Fall quarter. Limited enrollment.
102*. Field Studies in Fish Biology (1)
Offerings vary.
Lecture/discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite:upper division course in each of ecology, aquatic biology, fish biology, and statistics, and consent of instructor. Emphasis on theory of quantitative fish capture methods and design of individual research projects on ecology, behavior, physiology or population biology of fishes.
102L*. Field Studies in Fish Biology: Laboratory (6)
Offerings vary.
Fieldwork--15 hours; laboratory--12 hours; discussion/laboratory--3 hours. Prerequisite:course 102, upper division course in each of ecology, aquatic biology, fish biology, and statistics, and consent of instructor. Field investigations of fish biology are emphasized including quantitative capture methods and individual research projects on ecology, behavior, physiology or population biology of fishes at the field site in relation to their habitats. (Deferred grading pending completion of projects.) GE Credit: SciEng, Wrt.
103. Applied Statistics for Wildlife Research (4)
Offered every Winter quarter. Furrow
Lecture—3 hour(s); Laboratory—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): (MAT 016B or MAT 017B or MAT 021B); (WFC 010 or WFC 050); or Consent of Instructor. Introduction to basic statistical concepts and methods as tools for fish and wildlife research. Application of general guiding principles of developing research questions and projects, basic probability theory, statistical estimation (correlation, regression, ANOVA, Chi-square test) and hypothesis testing. Introduction of some specialized analytical techniques, such as population dynamics modeling and time series analysis. Only two units credit allowed to students who have completed courses STA 013, STA 100, or PLS 120.
110. Biology and Conservation of Wild Mammals (3)
Offered every Spring quarter. TBD
Lecture--3 hours. Prerequisite: (BIS 002A, BIS 002B, BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3); (EVE 101 (can be concurrent) or ESP 100 (can be concurrent)); Or equivalent course to ESP 100 or EVE 101. Biology and conservation of wild mammals. Natural history, taxonomy, geographical-ecological distribution; anatomical-physiological-behavioral adaptations of mammals to their environment; and research/management techniques are emphasized.
110L. Laboratory in Biology and Conservation of Wild Mammals (3)
Offered every Spring quarter. TBD
Laboratory--6 hours. Prerequisite: WFC 110 (can be concurrent); and Consent of Instructor. Laboratory exercises in the morphology, systematics, species identification, anatomy, and adaptations of wild mammals to different habitats. Limited enrollment.
111. Biology and Conservation of Wild Birds (3)
Offered every Fall quarter. Ringelman
Lecture--3 hours. Prerequisite: BIS 002A; BIS 002B; BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3; Upper division ecology course recommended. Phylogeny, distribution, migration, reproduction, population dynamics, behavior and physiological ecology of wild birds. Emphasis on adaptations to environments, species interactions, management, and conservation.
111L. Laboratory in Biology and Conservation of Wild Birds (3)
Offered every Fall quarter. Ringelman
Laboratory--6 hours. Prerequisite: WFC 111 (can be concurrent); and Consent of Instructor. Laboratory exercises in bird species identification, anatomy, molts, age and sex, specialized adaptations, behavior research, with emphasis on conservation of wild birds. Limited enrollment.
119. Freshwater Ecology (3)
Offered Spring quarter in even numbered years. Lusardi
Lecture--3 hours. Prerequisite(s): EVE 101 or ESP 100; or equivalent.
Freshwater ecosystems with an emphasis on the physical, chemical, and biological organization of riverine systems. Interactions of freshwater ecosystems with neighboring riparian and terrestrial systems, food web dynamics, salmon ecology, fluvial geomorphology, and reconciliation ecology.
120. Biology and Conservation of Fishes (3)
Offered every Fall quarter. TBD
Lecture--3 hours. Prerequisite: BIS 002A; BIS 002B; BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3; Upper division ecology course recommended. Introduction to evolution, ecology, and conservation of marine and freshwater fishes.
120L. Laboratory in Biology and Conservation of Fishes (2)
Offered every Fall quarter. TBD
Laboratory--3 hours. Prerequisite: WFC 120 (can be concurrent); and Consent of Instructor. Morphology, taxonomy, conservation, and identification of marine and freshwater fishes with emphasis on California species. Limited enrollment.
122. Population Dynamics and Estimation (4)
Offered every Spring quarter. Provost
Lecture--3 hours; laboratory--3 hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 16A-16B; Statistics 13 or the equivalent; an upper division course in ecology. Description of bird, mammal and fish population dynamics, modeling philosophy, techniques for estimation of animal abundance (e.g., mark-recapture, change-in-ratio, etc.), mathematical models of populations (e.g., Leslie matrix, logistic, dynamic pool, stock-recruitment); case histories.
125. Tropical Ecology and Conservation (4)
Offered Fall quarter in even numbered years. Karp
Lecture--3 hours; discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite(s): EVE 101 or ESP 100. Ecology and natural history of the tropics. Challenges and opportunities associated with tropical conservation. Design and communicate course-based research project.
126. Conservation in Working Landscapes (4)
Offered Fall quarter in odd numbered years. Karp
Lecture--3 hours; discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite(s): BIS 002B or BIO 1; (EVE 101 or ESP 100 recommended but not required); or Consent of Instructor. Ecology, natural history, and conservation of working landscapes. Critical evaluation of tradeoffs (and potential synergies) that arise when simultaneously pursuing conservation, food production, and human livelihood objectives in crop fields, pastures, settlements, forestry systems, and patches of semi-natural habitat.
130. Physiological Ecology of Wildlife (4)
Offered every Winter quarter. Fangue
Lecture--3 hours; discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite: EVE 101 or ESP 100; (BIS 002A, BIS 002B, BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3); Or equivalent course to ESP 100. Animal functions, adaptations, and ecological energetics of wildlife. Nutrition, metabolism, and productivity are emphasized as a pattern of relationships for understanding the distribution and abundance of wild ectotherms and endotherms in time and space.
134. Herpetology (3)
Offered every Winter quarter. Todd
Lecture—2 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: BIS 002A; BIS 002B; BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3; Upper division ecology course recommended. Evolution and ecology of the world’s diverse reptiles and amphibians. Emphasis on adaptations to environments, species interactions, management, and conservation.
134L. Herpetology Laboratory (3)
Offered every Winter quarter. Todd
Laboratory—6 hours. Prerequisite: WFC 134 (can be concurrent); and Consent of Instructor. Diagnostic characteristics and functional attributes of amphibians and reptiles, emphasizing ecological, bio-geographic and phylogenetic patterns. Field experience with common species of reptiles and amphibians in the Davis area.
135. Wetland Ecology (4)
Offered every Winter quarter. Lusardi
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): BIS 002C or BIO 2; (EVE 101 or ESP 100); or Consent of Instructor. Ecology of wetlands, including wetland formation and physical factors, types of wetland ecosystems, and restoration, law, and climate change.
136. Ecology of Waterfowl and Game Birds (3)
Offered Winter quarter in even numbered years. Ringelman
Lecture--2 hours; laboratory--3 hours; field trip. Prerequisite: WFC 111; or consent of instructor. WFC 111L strongly recommended. Detailed examination of distribution, behavior, population dynamics, and management of waterfowl and upland game birds.
137. Applied Fisheries Conservation (3)
Offered Spring quarter in even numbered years. TBD
Lecture–3 hours. Prerequisite: courses 120 and 120L or the equivalent.
Capstone course in fisheries management and/or aquatic conservation biology. Real world scenario case-studies to promote problem solving, team skills, critical thinking and communication.
141. Behavioral Ecology (4)
Offered every Spring quarter. Ringelman, Furrow
Lecture--3 hours; Film Viewing—1 hour. Prerequisite: EVE 101 or ESP 100 (can be concurrent); (BIS 002A, BIS 002B, BIS 002C or BIO1/L, BIO 2/L, BIO 3); Or equivalent course. Basic theories underlying the functional and evolutionary significance of behavior, and the role of ecological constraints. Supporting empirical evidence taken mainly from studies of wild vertebrates.
144. Marine Conservation Science (4)
Offered Winter quarter in even numbered years. Provost
Lecture—3 hours; Discussion—1 hour. Prerequisites: Course in introductory ecology. Key differences between marine and terrestrial ecosystems, major stressors of marine ecosystems (e.g., fisheries, pollution, bioinvasions, climate change and habitat destruction) and their consequences. Laws and agencies responsible for addressing problems, and the policies used.
151. Wildlife Ecology (4)
Offered every Fall quarter. Van Vuren
Lecture--3 hours, discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: BIS 002B or BIO 1; Or equivalent. Ecology of wild vertebrates, including habitat selection, spatial organization, demography, population growth and regulation, competition, predation, and community dynamics, set in the context of human-caused degradation of environments in North America.
152. Ecology of Human-Wildlife Conflict (3)
Offered Winter quarter in odd numbered years. Van Vuren
Lecture--3 hours. Prerequisite: BIS 002B or BIO 1; Or equivalent. Ecological approaches to managing wild vertebrates that cause problems for agriculture, public health, or conservation of biodiversity.
154. Conservation Biology (4)
Offered every Winter quarter. Karp
Lecture--3 hours, Discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite: BIS 002B or BIO 1; Or equivalent. Introduction to conservation biology. Background to the biological issues and controversies surrounding loss of species and habitats.
155. Wildlife Space Use and Habitat Conservation (4)
Offered every Fall quarter. Smith
Lecture—3 hour(s), Lab—3 hour(s). Prerequisites: EVE 101 or ESP 100; Or the equivalent of ESP 100 or EVE 101. Relationships between habitat characteristics and wildlife behavior/ecology, principles of habitat conservation and management. Spatial ecology lab is facilitated by programming in R. No prior experience with R is required.
168. Climate Change Ecology (4)
Offered every Winter quarter. Post
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): BIS 002B or BIO 1; (EVE 101 or ESP 100); or Consent of Instructor. Ecological responses to current and expected future climate change, across levels of biological organization from individuals to ecosystems.
190. Proseminar in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (1)
I, II, III. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
Seminar--1 hour. Prerequisite: upper division standing in biological sciences or consent of instructor. Reports and discussions of recent advances related to wildlife and fisheries biology. May be repeated twice for credit. (P/NP grading only.)
190C. Research Group Conference (1)
I, II, III. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
Discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite: advanced standing; consent of instructor. Weekly conference on research problems, progress and techniques in wildlife and fisheries biology. May be repeated for credit. (P/NP grading only.)
192. Internship (1-12)
I, II, III, summer. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
Internship--3-36 hours. Prerequisite: completion of 84 units and consent of instructor. Work experience off and on campus in all subject areas offered in the department. Internships supervised by a member of the faculty. (P/NP grading only.)
195. Field and Laboratory Research (3)
I, II, III. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
Laboratory--6 hours; discussion--1 hour. Prerequisite: course 110L, 111L, or 120L; 121 or 130; Evolution and Ecology 101 or the equivalent; and consent of instructor. Critique and practice of research methods applied to field and/or laboratory environments of wild vertebrates. Students work independently or in small groups to design experimental protocol, analyze data, and report their findings. May be repeated twice for credit.
197T. Tutoring in Wildlife and Fisheries (1-5)
I, II, III. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
Prerequisite: major in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and consent of instructor. Experience in teaching under guidance of faculty member. (P/NP grading only.)
198. Directed Group Study (1-5)
I, II, III. The Staff (Chairperson in charge)
(P/NP grading only.)
Graduate Courses
230—Advanced Physiological Ecology of Wildlife (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Advanced principles of physiological ecology. Ecological, evolutionary and behavioral perspectives on physiological mechanisms used by animals to adapt to their environment in the context of climate change and other threats to biodiversity. Primary literature will form the basis of discussion. Effective: 2015 Winter Quarter.
290. Seminar (1-3)
I, II, III. The Staff
Seminar—1-3 hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar devoted to a highly specific research topic in any area of wildlife or fisheries biology. Special topic selected for a quarter will vary depending on interests of instructor and students. (S/U grading only.)
290C. Research Group Conference (1)
I, II, III. The Staff
Discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Weekly conference on research problems, progress and techniques in wildlife and fishery sciences. May be repeated for credit. (S/U grading only.)
297T. Supervised Teaching in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology (1–3)
I, II, III. The Staff
Tutorial—3–9 hours. Prerequisite: meet qualifications for teaching assistant; graduate standing; and consent of instructor. Tutoring and teaching students in undergraduate courses in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology. Weekly conferences with instructor; evaluations of teaching; preparing for and conducting demonstrations, laboratories, and discussions; preparing and grading examinations. May be repeated for a total of 6 units when a different course is tutored. (S/U grading only.)
298. Group Study (1-5)
299. Research (1-12)
I, II, III. The Staff
(S/U grading only.)