
Graduate Study - General Information

Faculty in WFCB are active members of several graduate programs on campus. Although there is no disciplinary graduate program of study in wildlife, fish, & conservation biology, we support students in graduate programs in:

WFCB TA Applications (2024-25) are accepted on a rolling basis, with a priority deadline of May 31, 2024. Please follow the below steps to apply for TA-ship.

1. Access the application here
2. Download the form Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology Teaching Assistant and Reader Application
3. Fill it out
4. Name the form your first name_last name_TAReaderApplication.
5. Upload it here to this shared box.
6. Please email staff advisor Erica Cefalo to simply let her know you have uploaded your application to the shared box.

For general information on graduate studies at UC Davis, see
For details on the research interests of our faculty, see faculty links.