What We Study:
Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology (WFCB) is an ecologically-oriented major that addresses the interactions of humans with wildlife and fish in both natural and disturbed environments. Students are trained in the basic sciences, mathematics, and the taxonomy, biology, and conservation of wildlife and fish here in California and in many other parts of the world. The heavy emphasis on basic sciences provides our students with the intellectual flexibility to handle the varied and often unexpected problems faced by wildlife and fisheries biologists. The foremost task of such biologists today and in the future is to maintain and restore biological diversity of ecosystems and populations of all wildlife for future generations.
In the major, students may specialize in one of four areas of special interest: wildlife and conservation biology, fish biology, wildlife health, or an individualized study. Although all specializations have a common core of basic and advanced biology courses, each provides preparation unique to that area of emphasis. Students learn methods for doing field or laboratory studies, analyzing data, and preparing reports. Practical experience in conducting an independent research project in wildlife or fish biology is available through a variety of required or optional courses.The WFCB department has a 12 member faculty, active in teaching and research, with an exceptionally broad spectrum of interests, training, and experience.
Checklists (2020-2021 Catalog)
Major Checklist (PDF)
Wildlife and Conservation Biology Area of Specialization (PDF)
Fish Biology Area of Specialization (PDF)
Wildlife Health Area of Specialization (PDF)
WFCB Minor Checklist (PDF)