Associate Professor
Office: 1077 Academic Surge
Phone: (530) 752-1140
Personal Professional Website:
Conservation biology; disease ecology; habitat loss; herpetology; invasive species; natural history; population dynamics; wildlife ecology.
My research focuses on providing the best available science to understand and prevent the loss of biological diversity. I work mostly with reptiles and amphibians, two groups of animals with many imperiled species that are widely overlooked, but which often serve important roles in sustainable ecosystems. These species are frequently at the center of important policy debates about how we use our water and land in California and beyond. The reasons for their declines vary greatly, so my work has by necessity included studies of habitat loss, disease ecology, spatial patterns of animal distributions and movement, and the use of population models to understand how these organisms respond to a changing world.
Academic History:
- B.S. Ecology - University of Georgia. 2000
- M.S. Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development - University of Georgia. 2003
- Ph.D. Ecology - University of Georgia. 2008
Current Projects:
- Several projects involve the captive raising and reintroduction of highly imperiled species like the Mojave Desert Tortoise, the Giant Gartersnake, and the Mountain Yellow-legged Frog. We are interested in whether these efforts can be used to successfully recover declining populations and fend off extinction. We also study the ways species respond to restoration or mitigation measures that may be used to help recover threatened species and minimize future conflicts with people.
Future Projects:
- In Suisun Marsh, we study the ecology of California's only native freshwater turtle, the Western Pond Turtle, to inform management in the critical Bay-Delta ecosystem. Another ongoing project involves the captive raising and release of threatened Mojave Desert Tortoises.
- WFC 100 - Field Methods in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology. Offered every Spring quarter.
- WFC 101/101L - Field Research in Wildlife Ecology. Offered Fall quarter in even numbered years.
- WFC 134 - Herpetology. Offered every Winter quarter.
- WFC 134L - Herpetology Laboratory. Offered every Winter quarter.